

Dispatch from Support: Civil 3D is Slow

Minimum requirements for Civil 3D is 4 GB ram. Even though the recommended is 8gb, my personal recommendation is 16gb (32 if people will be working with LiDAR data / 3D scans).

Having said that, the two most common causes for poor performance in Civil 3D are: a) poor data management b) attempting to work off a WAN.
  1. If users are not already, it is imperative that they start using Data Shortcuts. This is a huge help in improving data management practices.
  2. If they are working from a WAN, test to see if the performance improves if the project is copied local.
    • Both Vault and Projectwise eliminate this problem by temporarily copying files local as the user works.
  3. Make sure the Civil 3D level of detail setting is on. The command line entry for this is LEVELOFDETAIL.
  4. Set the WHIPTHREAD setting to 3
  5. Turn off tooltips (this often helps a lot). ROLLOVERTIPS = 0
  6. If any support file search paths (in AutoCAD options area) are looking to the WAN for resources, this is another huge slower-downer. 

Here is my artist's depiction of working with CAD files across the network. I call it, "Needing Better Data Management."

This wasn't part of my earlier email, BTW. Just a doodle that expresses how it feels to work on a HUGE file over a WAN and/or without good file management in place.

It's a good thing I'm an engineer 'cuz I suck at art.

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